Having to come live in Klaipėda from distant Tajikistan more than 40 years ago, I. Baroti very quickly got involved in the creative life of the city of Klaipėda and the Republic of Lithuania. The artist has always actively participated in exhibitions, where his work stood out for its unique design, excellent technology management and original artistic thinking. He was never short of creative ideas, surprising with modern means of expression, original technologies, and the combination of creative maturity and artistic drive. The author’s works received a lot of attention and good evaluations in the professional space not only in Klaipėda, Lithuania, but also in many foreign countries. His works are being widely presented in the art galleries of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Germany, France, Finland, Russia, India and other countries.

I. Baroti’s cultural and project activities are no less significant, developing the artist’s efforts to present Lithuanian art abroad as widely and seriously as possible and to familiarize the Lithuanian society with the cultural and artistic trends of other countries. In 1992 after establishing an art gallery, which he has been managing for more than 25 years, I. Baroti presented the works of Klaipėda and Lithuanian artists in the exhibition spaces of Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark, France, Estonia and other countries. Famous artists from various countries of the world participated in the international creative camps organized by him, and their work could be seen in the spaces of Klaipėda Art Exhibition Hall (now KKKC) and KADS Baroti Gallery.