October 13, 2017 / November 15, 2017
October 2017 Klaipėda painter-ceramist Isroildžon Baroti will celebrate his 60th birthday. This occasion and the interesting and complex path of the author's life and work dictated to the artist a creative topic that he would like to discuss with the public. Especially since this topic is becoming a very important current issue not only in our country, but all over the world.
"(Inte)gration“. This is the name of Isroildžon Baroti's creative project, in which the author will try to share personal experiences and insights, and to philosophize on the complex topic of today's conflicts, contradictions and, at the same time, wonderful change, adaptation or even renewal.
Ceramicist I. Baroti came to Klaipėda from distant Tajikistan 35 years ago. From the first days of his life in Lithuania, he realized that in order to fit in and create here, he would need to fully integrate into the life of this country, get to know its culture, way of life, and customs. But, at the same time, it is always very important for a person to preserve his own identity, his cultural roots. In a new environment, any life must not only adapt to the "existing conditions", love the "new home", but also preserve its uniqueness, its genetic values. Such a fusion of several cultures in one often gives a very interesting result. It is not for nothing that the very word integration (lat. Integratio) means renewal, restoration, joining of parts and elements into a whole. When analyzing integration, one faces the problem of defining this term. Integration can be understood as a static or as a dynamic phenomenon, as an outcome or as a process. Thus, integration can be defined differently: as a process or as a result. It is also interesting that the creative material - clay is very suitable for integrating other materials into itself. This will allow the artist to experiment with the means of expression: to combine various materials and details into a whole, to combine various clay firing methods and technologies. All this will give the author of the exhibition an opportunity to speak to the public not only through the plot concept of the exhibition, but also through the equally eloquent form and plastic expression (grace). Integration is an extremely broad concept. By analyzing it, the artist can touch on various existential themes. Therefore, the exhibition of ceramic sculptures, which examines the aspects of modern integration, can become an interesting highlight in the cycle of events "Klaipeda, the capital of culture of Lithuania - the non-freezing port of culture 2017".